Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Old Fashioned

  Time for my first cocktail recipe since my return.  Classic cocktails have been making a comeback.
 What the Martini has done for vodka and gin, the OLD FASHIONED has done for Bourbon and Whiskey.
  Here are the ingredients you need for the perfect OLD FASHIONED, you will also need a muddler for this drink.
  • Angostura Bitters
  • Two sugar cubes
  • A Maraschino cherry
  • A small wedge of an Orange with the peel
  • Club Soda (or 7-UP).
  • 1 1/2 - 2 oz. of any Premium Bourbon or American Whiskey
  In a ROCKS GLASS, place the sugar cubes, Maraschino cherry, and orange wedge.  Add a splash of club soda, (or 7-UP), and 2 to 4 dashes of the Angostura Bitters, (to your preferred taste).
  Grind and mix them together with the muddler.
  Fill the glass with ice and add the bourbon or whiskey with club soda (or 7-UP).
  Stir and garnish with a "flag", (this is an orange slice with a cherry connected together with a cocktail stick).

Monday, July 21, 2014


It is un-Godly to hate. I do not hate anybody. However, there are those that I despise. I use to think that the lowest forms of human life were politicians and trial lawyers. But recently I added a group of people that I believe are at the bottom of the barrel. No, they are under the barrel trying to tunnel up.
  They are the group of people that I refer to as: THE ONES WHO ALWAYS SMILE.
  You know who they are, the politicians, the pundits, the celebrities and the talking heads that we see on all the news broadcasts and television talk shows. No matter how serious the subject, no matter how much their leftist agendas are bringing negatives effects on our country and the citizens, they will stare at you with that endless, sardonic, demeaning and condescending smile.
  Inside, they are laughing at you and your concerns. They support the downfall of capitalism and the American culture in order to place, and keep in power the elected officials who they want to be in charge of our lives.
  Ironically, they ARE EVERYTHING that they claim to be against. No, they are even worse than that.  Remember the motion picture THE ACCUSED, (1988), which starred JODIE FOSTER and KELLY McGILLIS? The main scene is when Ms. Foster's character, SARAH TOBIAS, was gang raped in a bar on a pinball machine by three men. The three men, for the sake of this argument, represent the big government of today, (Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches). SARAH TOBIAS represents us, the American citizen. THE ONES WHO ALWAYS SMILE? Well, they are represented by that low life that was standing on the table cheering them on, along with the rest of the scum in the bar room.
  They make my blood boil.
  • No matter how much evidence is given on how their policies have brought upon negative effects us - - - they SMILE.
  • No matter how much unemployment is created by the policies of those they support - - - they SMILE.
  • No matter how much the people they have negatively affected TELL THEM how much their policies have hurt them - - - they SMILE.
  • We are nearing a $20 TRILLION dollar deficit, when confronted with the consequences - - - they SMILE.
  • Older Americans today are facing the reality of NEVER being able to retire and work until they drop - - - they SMILE.
  • A president whom they protect as he places his vacations, golf games and fundraisers as priority over the duties of his office - - - they SMILE.
  • When hearing of mass layoffs - - - they SMILE.
  • Proof of voter fraud and political manipulation of the law in order to make it legal - - - they SMILE.
  • The numerous and never ending scandals - - - they SMILE.
  • Cutbacks in our military - - - they SMILE.
  • Cutbacks to our nuclear arsenal - - - they SMILE.
  • The surge of illegal aliens crossing at our southern border - - - they SMILE.
  • Millions of Americans lost their health care insurance, and are paying more in coverage due to Obamacare - - - they SMILE.
  • Gang problems in our cities and suburbs - - - they SMILE.
  • Companies leaving the country and taking the jobs with them - - - they SMILE.
  • People losing their homes because of the COMMUNITY RESURGENCE ACT of 1995 - - - they SMILE.
  • Imposing covert sanctions on an ally, and watching as they are attacked, while sending financial aid to their enemies - - - they SMILE.
  • No matter how much we are being strangled with taxation - - - they SMILE

  Plus, to make matters even worse, while all the time smiling, they have that pompous tone in their voice, all the time patronizing you and those who are in disagreement. As if your concerns are that of a teenager with the problems of an adolescent.  As I previously stated, all the time they are laughing at you on the inside because you, those you are concerned about. Your opinions mean absolutely nothing to them. Why? Because all that really concerns them is keep their party in power every other November.  Power above all, that is their only priority.

  Patronizing you with arrogant talking points such as:

  "Of course we feel for these people, of course our thoughts and prayers are with them. We have compassion for them. However . . .".

  "This program is good for all and is for the common good of . . .".

  "You have to think of the children involved in this . . ."  The CHILDREN, it's always about the children with them isn't it? Not to go off on a different subject here; but why is it that they are only concerned with the lives of children once they are outside of the womb?

  All the time it can be translated into this:

  "Stop worrying and concerning yourself with anything and everything. Just turn your lives over to us. We know what is good for you and all of the country, in fact the world. Just surrender to us, we will take care of you and everything else".
Geraldo Rivera
James Carville
Donna Brazile
Jehmu Greene
Alan Colmes
Michael Moore
Bill Maher
Rachael Maddow
Chris Matthews
David Letterman
Jon Stewart
Nancy Pelosi
Joe Biden
Juan Williams
Keith Olbemann
Bob Beckel
Charles Schumer
Dick Durbin

  Just once - - - JUST ONCE! I would like to see the persons on the other side of the table look at them sternly and ask, "WHAT ARE YOU SMILING AT? You think this is humorous? You think these matters are trivial"?

   I have my suspicions also about THE ONES WHO ALWAYS SMILE. They put out the persona that none of the serious problems of today affect them, and that they are never going to. As if they have nothing to worry about. As if they are exempt from all the policies of those they cover for and protect. So my question to them is:

  "What is in this for you"?


Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Hollywood Limousine Liberals, we all know who they are. Movie stars,  the self absorbed, ill educated, and shallow self anointed.  I say ill educated because they have the belief that their celebrity status has put them above all other human beings, but that is our own fault. Plus when they have gained this "A-List" celebrity status, that their intellect is somehow miraculously enhanced to genius level.
  They believe that they cannot be challenged and to enforce their beliefs they surround themselves with only those who will agree with them, including their fan base.  And to those who do disagree they have the power of the "entertainment media" to demean and castigate them.

  In recent years however the Hollywood Liberals have now taken upon themselves on what we all now must think and especially on what is deemed offensive. They not only are endlessly attacking the 2nd Amendment, but they are re-writing the 1st Amendment. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and most of all, the Freedom of Expression.

  However though when it comes to the Hollywood Liberals it is when something offends THEM, well then, that is something completely different.

  And I can prove this hypocrisy by the Hollywood Liberals in just three words - - - ANDREW "DICE" CLAY.  The DICEMAN will also show you how when it comes to political correctness, even the Hollywood Liberals will sell you out and banish you.

  Because Hollywood Liberals will always hide themselves behind two shield words. Those words are "ART" and "ARTIST".

  Andrew "Dice" Clay got his start doing comedy and impressions at a young age. He also appeared early in his career in such television series as M*A*S*H, Diff'rent Strokes and Crime Story. He also landed small roles in films such as MAKING THE GRADE (1984) , PRETTY IN PINK (1986) and CASUAL SEX? (1988).  However it was his character "Dice" in the film MAKING THE GRADE that he began to focus on to go into stand-up comedy.

  The type of comedy of Andrew "Dice" Clay was strictly for adults and yes it was vulgar. However it was what comedy has to be, and that was funny. The character of the DICEMAN that he played was particularly aimed at women, this character was the epitome of the male chauvinistic pig.  But Andrew "Dice" Clay was a huge success playing to sold out theaters for years, and Dice had a huge following of female fans. Many in the front row were hoping to be his target for the evening.

  Andrew "Dice" Clay is not the first stand-up comedian in the world to use vulgarity for his act, not will he be the last.  Remember LENNY BRUCE? I did a blog years back on Lenny Bruce, I'll get back to him in a second.

  DICE became one of the most successful stand-up comics in the world - - - until - - - some elitist snob from the Hollywood Liberals and those of the art world became offended. It only takes one. And whoever put the target on Andrew "Dice" Clay's back almost destroyed his career.

  Let me show some examples of the Hollywood Liberal Hypocrisy:

  On October 3, 1992, singer SINEAD O'CONNOR appeared as the musical guest on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. Her act was sand an a cappella version of Bob Marley's song "WAR", during the performance, while emphasizing the word "evil" she tore a picture of Pope John Paul II. Needless to say, this caused a huge protest among Catholics and the religious communities. Hollywood and the music community rallied around Ms. O'Connor proclaiming that she as an "artist" has the right to express herself through her "art".  You see, the Hollywood Liberals also have designated people whom they allow to be offended; and those just happen to be Catholics, Christians and Jews.

  In 1987, photographer Andres Serrano's work, a photo entitles IMMERSION: PISS CHRIST was the winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Arts "Awards in Visual Arts" Competition. The photo was that of a crucifix submerged in a jar of Mr. Serrano's own urine. Though this photo did cause controversy, it was still exhibited and liberals still defended Mr. Serrano's right to express himself through his art. This photograph even received a $15,000.00 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

  Next example, in 1989 photographer ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE, (1946 - 1989), began an exhibit of his work in a tour known as THE PERFECT MOMENT.  His photography was to be first exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington DC. The photos consisted of subjects as the consumption on urine, bondage, sadomasochism and the homoerotic. One photo in particular was a self portrait of Mr. Mapplethorpe with the handle of a bullwhip inserted into his rectum.

  Again, needless to say the exhibit caused quite a controversy and the laws against censorship and Mr. Mapplethorpe's First Amendment rights were at the head of the debate, not only by the art community, but by Hollywood liberals as well. Also of what is art, and can it be funded by taxpayer dollars. The liberals stood up strong for Mr. Mapplethorpe and fought for his exhibit to be shown to the public, standing up to those in the public who were protesting the exhibit, calling it pornographic and obscene. When the Corcoran Gallery refused to have the exhibit, the non-profit Washington Project for the Arts then displayed the images.

  Then, in 1996, artist CHRIS OFILI'S painting THE HOLY VIRGIN MARY, was being exhibited in London, Berlin and New York City. The painting is 8 feet high and six feet wide, it depicts a Black Madonna with an exposed breast. The Madonna is surrounded by butterflies with turns out to be photographs of female genitalia. However, one of the things used to paint this portrait was ELEPHANT EXCREMENT. Then Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani threaten to pull the $7 million dollars in City Hall grants to the Brooklyn Museum for showing the portrait, but lost the court case because of the protection Mr. Ofili has under the First Amendment, (as it should be).

  Lastly, let us not forget the actions of movie "actors" DANNY GLOVER and SEAN PENN, along with singer HARRY BELEFONTE; who openly supported and had shown affection for the late Venezuelan president HUGO CHAVEZ.  Again, the Hollywood Left and those in the entertainment industry openly displayed support for these thee men by defending their First Amendment rights.
  This may surprise you, but I too support the First Amendment rights of all the aforementioned. I will speak out against their opinions and actions, but that is the big difference between them and I, that is how far I will go. To just give my opposing view, hoping to convince others.

  Let's get back to Andrew "Dice" Clay. The Diceman was a huge success. Best selling comedy albums, sold out performances and HBO specials. He was in great demand. One great example of this success is the fact that he is the first comedian in history to sell out Madison Square Garden two nights in a row; a feat that he did THREE TIMES.

  Then  - - - something happened. Somebody - - - got offended. The women's rights groups then started to become involved. One thing Hollywood liberals are focused on like a laser is political correctness. Soon the female Hollywood liberals became involved, and I say that Hollywood liberals will never cease to use political correctness as an opportunity for free positive publicity. Women then began to call for the boycott of Andrew "Dice" Clay, and it began to work.

  The pinnacle of this came in 1990 when Dice appeared on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. Two women on the show refused to work that week in protest of Dice guest hosting that evening. they were cast member NORA DUNN, and - - - ironically that weeks musical guest - - - SINEAD O'CONNOR. Yes, the same SINEAD O'CONNER who some years before caused her own controversy by tearing a photograph of the Pope in protest. Ms. O'Connor was herself trying to get her career back on track for her action that particular evening.

  The domino effect then followed. Even MTV, yes MTV banned Andrew "Dice Clay for life. MTV who broadcast some of the most meaningless garbage on television deemed Andrew "Dice" Clay to vulgar for their network.

  The career of Andrew "Dice" Clay was almost destroyed. The same Hollywood left, would stood up for all the aforementioned, turned their backs on Andrew "Dice" Clay. Yes, they even rallied behind SINEAD O'CONNER blasting anyone who criticized her. The week after her tearing of the photo of the Pope, she was booed off stage in New York City, KRIS KRISTOPHERSON even comforted her on stage. Ms. O'Conner's career was almost ruined, but the difference between her and Andrew "Dice" Clay is that her audience and fan base left her voluntarily, nobody in the entertainment industry called for her boycott as they did the Diceman.

  And that is the problem we have with the Hollywood left. They are not anything like their predecessors of the past and of the golden age. Somehow over the past few decades the felt that they have been empowered. Something about people who reach celebrity status today, it goes to their mindset. It is also because once they reach this status, those that surround them spoil them like children. Soon they believe that everyone on earth must treat them the same way. For some reason, as I have mentioned before, they believe their intelligence is miraculously enhanced. Also, because they have played certain characters and certain roles, it now makes them expert on these subjects.

  With this new status come narcissism, and now woe upon those who shall disagree with them on any subject. They will use the media that they own, and their celebrity status to chastise, demean, intimidate, and cause you to feel great guilt for you beliefs so that they will silence you.

  However to me, these Hollywood elitists are, as I said in the past, they are FAMOUS people - - - not IMPORTANT people, and there is a HUGE difference with that. To me as I previously stated,  they all are irresponsible, self-centered, ill educated and shallow.

  To destroy a mans career, when any of the things they do and say are just as offensive as the comedic ART of Andrew "Dice" Clay.

  Ironically, it was a comedian and a pornographer that fought for them, and everyone else in this country for their right to offend and express themselves. I wrote of this before. LENNY BRUCE a comedian whose vulgarity cost him his career. He died broke fighting the government for violating his, and all the other artists First Amendment rights. Then there is LARRY FLYNT who owns HUSLTER MAGAZINE and the porn company that goes with it. The Hollywood left has HONORED both these men by having their stories told in movies. They were cast as heroes. DUSTIN HOFFMAN played Lenny Bruce in the film "LENNY" (1974) , and WOODY HARRELSON played Larry Flint in "THE PEOPLE vs. LARRY FLYNT" (1996). Tell me, how is the comedy of Lenny Bruce and the pornography of Larry Flynt any different in their demeaning of women, than that of the stand-up comedy of Andrew "Dice" Clay?

Now, the Hollywood left is deciding just who can and cannot be offended, and they are so vehement about it that they have proven that they are willing to eat one of their own.

  Fortunately though, Andrew "Dice" Clay is making a comeback. it has taken about 12 years, but he is now getting his career back on track. I have seen him on some cable television series and recently he starred in the Woody Allen film, (the same Woody Allen Dice publically criticized for Allen sexual actions with his then step daughter, now wife), "BLUE JASMINE" (2013) where he was critically acclaimed for his performance. He is  performing regularly in Las Vegas and is beginning to tour again.

  Dice fought back - - - so can you.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


    Recently, it has come to all of our attention that there has been an ongoing mass swarm of illegal aliens crossing our southern border.
  What bothers me is that this enormous influx has been going on since last October and our government has ignored it, deliberately.

  Now I am not going to go on about how I am against this because you all probably know that I do.
  My message here is not to those who agree with me, rather to those who support these new illegals coming into our country.  My message is also for the already 11,000,000 illegal immigrants who are already residing here.
  You may now stand with all of those who have crossed and those who continue to come, but take heed.
  Most people in the United States believe that those of you who are here are taking jobs away from natural born American citizens and those who immigrated legally.  Yes, those jobs are picking the produce, doing our landscaping, cleaning our homes, cleaning our offices, babysitting our children, etc., and any other job that gets you paid in cash, or "under the table" as it is said.
  Now with this massive influx, and with the federal government spreading these new illegals all over the country, guess what - - - you who are illegal and support this - - - this may now render YOU ALL AS OBSOLETE, and EXPENDABLE.
  YOUR JOBS - - - are now threatened.  Your worth to your employers is now devalued. Why should anyone pay you $10 and hour when now they can get someone else who wants your job, (and will take it), for $5.00?
  They now may even get two of you for the price of one, maybe even three. History shows this. During the Great Depression, with the mass of migrant workers coming from the Midwest, and from the Dust Bowl of Oklahoma, the owners of the farms and orchards in California knew of their desperation. They hired as many as they could hold, and paid them half of the normal wages.
  You all now are supporting your new competition. Your livelihoods are now in jeopardy.
  Competition is the American way, and employers will always seek those who will be paid the least.
  It is now illegal alien vs. illegal alien.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


    I could go on about the history of political corruption in Illinois, however the space of the internet is limited.  So I will just report to you of the latest example.
  In fact, it just happened today, July 1, 2014.
  Today, Governor Pat Quinn (D), with the aid of Illinois State House Speaker, Michael Madigan, (D), SIGNED INTO LAW what they are referring to as a voting rights bill. To make this simple I'm going to present just the bullet points. Under this new law:
  • The early voting time is extended
  • The mail-in vote deadline is extended
  • Any voter now can register to vote and vote ON ELECTION DAY
  But this is the real clincher:
  Meaning that after November 4, 2014 this law then dissolves, it becomes null and void.
  However I have to say, this is our own fault. We as citizens of Illinois have become so complacent, have become so use to the political corruption here that we have allowed this to happen. And the politicians now know this. Now they feel so at liberty to do as they please. They don't even have to be covert about it any more. They can be open about it and do it right in front of our faces.
  I also find it no coincidence of a survey that I read today. It showed the top ten states in the country where a major percentage of its citizens would like to move away from.
  Illinois ranked #1.
  Be warned you other 49 states, this could be coming to a state capital near you.