Recently, Ms. Chastity Bono, daughter of Cher and the late Sonny Bono, announced that she will soon undergo the surgical procedures necessary to become: Chaz Bono, the SON of Cher and the late Sonny Bono.
Now, I'm going to state my belief that may come as a shock to some of you. I believe that homosexuality - - - is normal. I believe that it is natural. Meaning, that I believe one is born a homosexual or lesbian. It is not, as some believe, a lifestyle of, or by choice. The only thing that is unnatural about the same sex relationships are that the homosexual and lesbian sex act cannot produce a pregnancy.
When it comes to the subject of the "transgendered' though, that I have to say can not be deemed as natural. Ms. Bono is a masculine female, and there are feminine males. They may be "females in a man's body" physically, and vice versa. But I am sorry, even after Ms. Bono successfully completes her surgery, in reality she will always be a female who is cosmetically and surgically enhanced to appear as a male. (And vice versa for the male to female surgery).
Three thousand years from now, when some futuristic anthropologist and/or archaeologist digs up Ms. Bono's remains and runs the DNA test on her calcified skeleton, they will make the scientific determination that they have found the remains of a female.
Now, here is my concern for the transgendered people of the world. It is something that concerns me because it is NOT natural. In order for Ms. Bono to remain looking as Mr. Bono, she/he will have to undergo lifelong drug and hormone therapies. Now, if she were a real male after this surgery, why then will she require testosterone treatments for the rest of her life? If she were a real male, why then can't she produce her own male hormones?
She will have to have these treatments because her body, still being that of a natural female, cannot remain looking male. Her body will always be fighting the effects of the treatments. This is in actuality a silent and gentle continuous trauma to her body. (And again vice versa to all male to female transgendered).
My concern is what long term effect this lifelong internal battle have on the transgendered? How does this effect their long term health? What is the life expectancy of a person who is surgically transgendered?
Is there any scientists in the health profession that have ever studied these long term affects?
Has the urge for instant gratification taken prescedent over what may be right? And that is for those who believe that they were born the wrong physical gender, that they may just have to accept and live with what they were born with. If you are a masculine female, just live with what you have, it may be safer.
I agree. What's even stranger is the fact that the ban against gay marriage will no longer be applicable to her and her partner since she is now "male" in the legal sense.