As long as President Obama, along the liberal congress and senate, are the owners of Chrysler and GM, (don't fall for that crap that WE, the American taxpayers, are the owners), I WILL NOT buy anything manufactured from them. I will not buy any type of "automobile" that they will produce. I still have some sort of freedom of choice, and I choose TO NOT fall in line with this administration. I remember when I moved to Detroit in 1981 and I was warned by my old man that I HAD BETTER get rid of my foreign car before I arrived, if I wanted it to remain in one piece. I HAD BETTER BUY AMERICAN. Now Obama has made it so that we all will now look to Japan, South Korea, and Germany for our transportation. (May as well add Italy to this group, since they are now part of GM).
If you want to do the same, please do so while you can. Next thing you know Obama will appoint a "Purchasing Czar" to make sure we will buy from Obama Motors. (Hey, I have an idea, Obama can use Joe Biden as a pitchman for the new OBAMA MOTORS, he'd be perfect. I mean every time I see or hear Joe Biden, I feel like I'm buying a bad used car anyway. He's just like these guys you see on the auto dealer commercials, with those slicked back hair plugs and porcelain teeth).
Good thing I quit smoking 33 years ago, because Obama took over the tobacco industry yesterday.
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