Thursday, October 8, 2009


Yesterday, (October 7, 2009), our illustrious elected officials took time from their busy schedules in order to unveil in Statuary Hall in the Capitol Rotunda, a statue honoring HELEN KELLER, (1880 - 1968), the little girl from Alabama who, due to a bout with either scarlet fever or meningitis, was left both totally blind and deaf. Her story of overcoming her handicaps with the help of her teacher, ANNIE SULLIVAN is indeed an inspiration to us all and was made famous by the movie THE MIRACLE WORKER, (1962), starring ANNE BANCROFT and PATTY DUKE.

Oh you should have seen the smiling and beaming expressions on the faces of both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

The performances by both Miss Bancroft and Miss Duke earned them both the ACADEMY AWARDS in 1962. However, there is more history to the story of Helen Keller, a history which is never really taught or hardly spoken of. If you have ever, or are going to, see the film, this is what happened afterwards. This is what happened after you see Helen snuggling on the rocking chair with Annie on the porch of her home in Alabama. After Helen tells Annie that "She loves teacher." This is how Helen Keller became one of the most notorious women in America.

In 1909, Helen Keller joined the SOCIALIST PARTY in Massachusetts, and the anarcho-syndicalist union, INTERNATIONAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD, (IWW) and was an organizer for them.

Helen Keller opposed the entry of the United States into World War I.

In 1912 she became a national voice for socialism. Helen Keller in fact blamed capitalism for the diseases that rendered her both blind and deaf. As if viruses have a will of their own to pick and choose who they render ill. Also, never mind the fact that she fell ill during the 1880's, where even the best medical treatment of the day could not save her from her fate.

In 1917 Helen Keller welcomed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

in 1920, Helen Keller became one of the founders of THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, (ACLU).

Helen Keller became a close friend of MARGARET SANGER, the founder of PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

Even though she was a Suffragette herself, Helen Keller criticized women for wanting the vote, because American women wanted to be participating in the democratic processes of the United States.

In 1955 Helen Keller sent warm birthday wishes to ELIZABETH GURLEY FLYNN, a communist and IWW organizer. Ms. Flynn was serving a two year prison sentence during the Cold War crackdown of the communist party. Where I must, add there is more history to those years that we are not really aware of. Was Joseph McCarthy acting crazy? Yes, he was. But there is something that history has also proven, that Senator Joseph McCarthy was right. There were at that time over 300 Soviet agents infiltrating our government, some even in very high offices.

I'm going to say something now that may offend, Helen Keller is literally the epitome of those who support socialism and communism. Her blindness never let her see the truth on just how evil the institutions of both political philosophies are. Also, her deafness never let her hear the side of freedom and independence. She was the perfect voice for socialism, she was never taught any way different. She was Vladimir Lenin's perfect "Useful Idiot".

The difference between Capitalism and Socialism that Helen Keller was never able to see or hear is this. In Capitalism, all are free to either participate or not. All are free to better themselves or not. Those who venomously criticize capitalism, well, just don't have what it takes to participate, so they turn to socialism.

Why, because in socialism, and even more with communism, it is a select few who decide everything in their subjects lives. From how much the receive to even what they do with their lives. Communism and socialism is state run slavery.

Capitalism benefits all. Socialism and communism only benefit those who are in charge or are in good standing with the party and the state. What's the difference between socialism and communism you may ask? Socialism is just "Communist Lite".

There is also one major difference between Capitalism and socialism/communism; and that is that socialism/communism need to maintain a strong POLICE STATE in order to thrive and survive.


  1. This has got to be one of the most asinine things I've ever read.

  2. What? Are you saying that history is asinine?

  3. It is, unfortunately, you who are blind and deaf. Helen Keller stands with Jesus Christ in the advocacy of economic collectivism and time will prove her 100% correct.

    There is no greater evil no or in any past time than capitalism. It is the root and source of ALL evil.

    1. Why do you not use your name when posting a reply? Anonymous is a bit cowardly - in my opinion.
      Michelle West NC
