Saturday, December 5, 2009

Obama Could Learn From the "PUNKY QB"

I'm surprised that President Obama, being from Chicago and all, has not learned one important thing that one from one of our most famous sports figures is known for. I am speaking of Jim McMahon, the "Punky QB". The Quarterback, who led the Chicago Bears to victory in Super Bowl XX in 1985.

One thing that Jim McMahon did was that every Thursday night, during the football season, he would take his offensive linemen out to dinner at THE PRIME MINISTER RESTAURANT in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, not too far from where he lives. He would also buy them gifts. Why? McMahon himself said it. It was that he has to take care of the guys who make sure that he comes out in one piece after every game. That he had to take care of the guys who protect him. He did it on the field too where he would back up these men and even take the blame.

President Obama should learn from this, especially during this so called breach of security at the state dinner that he just had for the Prime Minister of India and all of the left-wing Hollywood limousine liberals, (that WE paid for). He is allowing the Secret Service to be blamed for the "breach", while he protects his White House social secretary, Desiree Rogers.

President Obama should stop and realize that the Secret Service Agents around him are there to take a bullet for HIM ... not for his White House staff and friends. Would Desiree take one for him? I doubt it highly.

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