Thursday, July 23, 2009

Follow Up To - The "Nice" Bigot

If you go on to YOUTUBE then you can see for yourself the exchange between Senator Barbara Boxer and Harry C. Alford of the Black Chamber of Commerce. You can also see other videos there of how this spoiled, self centered, narcissistic gentle bigot goes about to humiliate publicly anyone that opposes her and her left wing socialist agendas. She is right out of the socialist playbook on degrading and demeaning your opposition.

If you watch the exchange between Ms. Boxer and Mr. Alford, you will notice that Mr. Alford addresses Ms. Boxer as "ma'am" several times; and the Senator does not object to that once. Just a couple of weeks ago, Senator Boxer publicly humiliated and dressed down Brigadier General Michael Walsh for doing the exact same thing, telling the General to not call her "ma'am" but Senator. Her reason being? That she "worked so hard" for that title. (As if the General did not work so hard for his).

General Walsh has done more service to this country in one hour in his career than Barbara Boxer has in the entirety of her.

However, I believe I figured it out with Barbara Boxer and her gentile, sweet, reserved and introverted type of hatred, disrespect and racism. She prefers our military to call her Senator, but above all, she really prefers that all Americans of African decent had better well address her "ma'am"; because it's the closest thing to "massa" that she can get away with.

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